The One-Stop Support Shop for NEW Writers
Help From The Cloud is here to help you from idea inception to your Launch party. With a selection of services to suit all writers, we take away all the stress and hassle to help you achieve your publication dreams.
Our Services
Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Writing Your Way to your Dream Life
We are certified trainers of Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Creating Your Dream Life and now we’re bringing our teaching to new writers who dream of being published.
The best thing about our approach is that you don’t have to do reams and reams of homework – you simply have to
No matter how good your writing is, you always need to pass it by another set of eyes before releasing it to your fans.
Your editing is complete but a final scrutiny will ensure you have no glaring typos or dogdy layouts.
Cloud Publishings
If you want to self-publish but don’t know how we can help you. With more than 150 publications on Amazon, we are the experts in self-publishing.
And then – have your eBook, or flipbook stand out from the crowd with a professionally designed cover and interior.
Audio Books
Now that your book is ready for publication (or maybe already published) you’ll start thinking about putting it to audio. Eileen Bray is an Irish singer and voice actor who will put a warm and engaging tone into your book.
What People are Saying
Thanks a million to @norahdeay for this wonderful course – Infinite Possibilities – which I have just completed. It’s been a major boost over the last few weeks. Heartily recommend working with Norah and learning this set of invaluable tools for moving forwards in your life!
Drop Us a Line
Don’t be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!