Bloggers! You’ve Already Written A Book!

What’s the most common obstacle that keeps aspiring authors from publishing their work? It’s not a lack of writing skills. It’s not a dearth of knowledge. And, it’s certainly not an absence of ambition. If you ask most authors why they...

New Phone? No Worries! Easy Data Transfer

Introduction Christimas is coming, and lots of us will get new Smart phones or Tablets. If you don’t want to lose precious memories (photos, videos etc) transferring data from your old smartphone to your new one is a crucial step. Here are step-by-step...

Work From Home Ideas for Over 50s

Introduction In today’s ever-evolving times, especially as we grapple with global uncertainty, numerous baby boomers are opting to semi-retire. Engaging in part-time work, they seek more from life and supplement their pensions. The rise of the internet has unlocked a...
The Queen of F***ing Everything

The Queen of F***ing Everything

Have you ever heard that your Brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room? On the right here is a birthday card I received for my 50th from a friend at work. I didn’t set out to be the queen of anything but I love learning – I...
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